All India Central Government Pensioners' Association

Registration Form

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 Fields marked with * are mandatory. Form shall be accepted only when you fill all required fields and accept membership rules.
Membership Information
Associations Branch:
Select State: *
Select Location: *
Registration No.
For members who have already registered with the association, others please leave the field blank
Membership Type:
Present Fee structure is available in Help page and Membership Rules page.
Mode of Payment:

Date (DD/MM/YYYY):
 e.g 03/10/2010 or 25/02/2011 or 03/09/2011 
Membership shall be confirmed only after receipt of fees.
Email Address:
Personal Information
Departmental Number (Mostly for Armed Forces):
First Name (Write FULL Name and not initials):
Middle Name (Write FULL Name and not initials):
Last Name (Write FULL Name and not initials):
Present Address
In case your district and or location is not available in drop down list please select any available district and location and inform your exact district and location by email so that the same can be added. After adding the same you shall be informed by email along with password. On receipt by you, you use the password to carry out necessary modification.
Street Address:
  * .
If not in the list, Select available and inform us through email:
If not in the list, Select available and inform us through email:
Postal Pin code
Permanent Address
Street Address:
If not in the list, Select available and inform us through email:
If not in the list, Select available and inform us through email:
Postal Pin code
( with STD code )
Mobile No.: 
Blood Group :
Date of Birth
(dd / mm / yyyy):
       e.g 1947
Date of Retirement (dd / mm / yyyy):
      e.g 1997
In case your deparment or last post is not listed in the dropdown box, please leave this information blank and email us details to add the same. These would be examined and added. You will be informed by replying to your email.
Department you served:
If not in the list, Select available and inform us through email:
Last post held:
If not in the list, Select available and inform us through email:
Office Retired from:
Income Tax Rebate is Authorised on Donations, u/s 80 G (5) of IT Act 1961 vide Commissioner of IT-I, Pune, Letter No.Pn/CIT-I/80G/82/2009-10/4357 dated 04/08/2009. Fees and donations may be deposited in any branch of Bank of Baroda Saving Bank A/C No.: 04500100014692.
Additional information is useful for members and their successors only. In order to see and change information, members need to obtain password from Association by sending email request from a member. Use menu item 'Member Login' to modify your information
 I have read the Rules for Membership of this Association and agree to the same.You will not be able to go forward unless you tick in the box. Also in case you have not entered minimum required information marked by * You can not go forward. In case form doesn't get accepted check these aspects